Wednesday 25 May 2011

So soon, beta 2

I’m delighted by the level of response to my protobuf-net v2 beta; I have been kept really busy with a range of questions, feature requests and bug fixes (almost exclusively limited to the new features).

So, before I annoy people with too many “fixed in source” comments, I thought I’d better re-deploy. Beta 2 gives the same as beta 1, but with:

  • reference-tracked objects
    • root object now included (BREAKING CHANGE)
    • fixed false-positive recursion issue
  • full type metadata
    • support custom formatting/parsing
  • interface serialization
    • support serialization from interfaces
    • support known-implementations of interfaces
    • support default concrete type
  • WCF
    • expose WCF types on public API to allow custom models
  • misc
    • support shadow set-methods
    • fix IL glitch
    • fix cold-start thread-race condition
    • fix missing method-forwarding from legacy non-generic API

In addition to a very encouraging level of interest, I’m also pleased that things like the interface-based support mentioned above were pretty effortless to push through the v2 type-model. These are things that had been proposed previously, but there was just no way to push them into the codebase without hideous (and cumulative) hackery. With v2, it was pretty much a breeze.

But for v2 fun see the project download page

And please, keep pestering me ;p

Note that the BREAKING CHANGE marked above only applies to data serialized with the new full-graph AsReference option. No v1 data is impacted, but if you have stored data from earlier v2 alpha/beta code, please drop me a line and I can advise.